Just namatidza kana zvuva-uye-donha rako markdown tafura muimba textarea of Kunobva data, uye zvichaita pakarepo aite mashiripiti ari kutendeuka. Ndapota kureva Markdown Example
Unogona aongorore mashoko ako paIndaneti sezvinoita Excel through Mupepeti wetafura, uye kuchinja ichachinjwa kuva RDF mu-zvechokwadi nguva.
Just copy the generated RDF data in Table Generator, and paste it into your RDF file for testing.
Note: date renyu akachengeteka, vatsva rinoitwa chose kwenyu padandemutande mubrowser uye isu hatingazvirumbidzi kuchengeta chero mashoko enyu.
Markdown ndiye chinyorwa-to-HTML kutendeuka chishandiso vanyori web. Markdown unokubvumira kunyora achiedza nyore kuverenga, nyore nyora pachena chinyorwa format, wobva exchange kuti HTML.
The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a family of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) specifications originally designed as a metadata data model. RDF is used for representing information about resources in the web.