méja Editor
méja generator

Kumaha RDF Online?

1. Jieun RDF maké Table Editor

Anjeun tiasa ngedit data anjeun online kawas Excel through Editor, sarta parobahan bakal dirobah jadi RDF sacara real-time.

2. Nyalin kana dihasilkeun RDF

Just copy the generated RDF data in Table Generator, and paste it into your RDF file for testing.

Catetan: data anjeun aman, anu Islam geus rengse tos rengse di panyungsi wéb anjeun sarta kami moal nyimpen sagala data Anjeun.

Naon RDF?



The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a family of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) specifications originally designed as a metadata data model. RDF is used for representing information about resources in the web.

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