Table Editor
Jenareta Tafura

Sei Change Excel kupinda INI Online?

1. Upload kana namatidza yenyu Excel

Just namatidza (kopi matafura kubva Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Mac Numbers kana padandemutande peji a) kana zvuva-uye-donha yenyu Excel kupinda textarea of Kunobva data, uye zvichaita pakarepo aite mashiripiti ari kutendeuka.

2. Edit yenyu Excel online, kana zvichidiwa

Unogona aongorore mashoko ako paIndaneti sezvinoita Excel through Mupepeti wetafura, uye kuchinja ichachinjwa kuva INI mu-zvechokwadi nguva.

3. Kutevedzera anotendeuka INI

Just copy the generated INI table in Table Generator, and paste it into your .ini file for testing.

Note: date renyu akachengeteka, vatsva rinoitwa chose kwenyu padandemutande mubrowser uye isu hatingazvirumbidzi kuchengeta chero mashoko enyu.

Chii Excel?




Microsoft Excel ndiyo wemagetsi spreadsheet chikumbiro kuti inogonesa vanoshandisa chitoro, kuronga, Change uye konzera humboo pamwe Masvomhu uchishandisa spreadsheet gadziriro yarega nokuda mitsara neshongwe.

Chii INI?


INI is a simple, informal standard for configuration files for software applications. INI files are simple text files with a basic structure composed of sections, properties, and values.

Ungada vanokurudzira ichi paIndaneti mudziyo kushamwari dzako?