Isiokwu Editor
Isiokwu Generator

Olee otú Tọghatara Markdown Isiokwu n'ime RDF Online?

1. Bulite ma ọ bụ mado gị Markdown Isiokwu

Dị nnọọ mado ma ọ bụ dọrọ-and-dobe gị markdown table n’ime textarea of Isi mmiri, na ọ ga-ozugbo ịrụ anwansi nke akakabarede. Biko rụtụ aka na ‘Markdown Example`.

2. Dezie gị Markdown Isiokwu online, ma ọ dị mkpa

Ị nwere ike idezi gị data online ka Excel through Onye nchịkọta akụkọ, na mgbanwe a ga-converted n’ime RDF na ezigbo oge.

3. Detuo tọghatara RDF

Just copy the generated RDF data in Table Generator, and paste it into your RDF file for testing.

Note: Your data bụ ala, na-atọghata na-eme n'ụzọ zuru ezu na ihe nchọgharị weebụ gị na anyị na-agaghị na-echekwa gị ọ bụla data.

Gịnị bụ Markdown?



Markdown bụ a ederede-to-HTML akakabarede ngwá ọrụ maka web dere. Markdown-enye gị ohere ede na-eji ihe dị mfe na-agụ, na-adị mfe, dee larịị ederede format, mgbe ahụ, tọghata ya HTML.

Gịnị bụ RDF?



The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a family of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) specifications originally designed as a metadata data model. RDF is used for representing information about resources in the web.

Ị ga-akwado nke a online ngwá ọrụ ndị enyi gị?