Clàr Deasaiche
Clàr Generator

Ciamar a RDF-loidhne?

1. Cruthaich RDF cleachdadh Clàr Deasaiche

‘S urrainn dhut a dheasachadh dàta agad air-loidhne mar Excel through Deasaiche bùird, agus na h-atharrachaidhean a thèid atharrachadh gu RDF ann am fìor-ùine.

2. Ath-sgrìobh a 'Cruthachadh RDF

Just copy the generated RDF data in Table Generator, and paste it into your RDF file for testing.

Nota: dàta agad tèarainte, a 'converts air a dhèanamh gu tur ann' ur sealladair lìn agus cha bhi sinn a 'stòradh sam bith de dàta agad.

Dè tha RDF?



The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a family of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) specifications originally designed as a metadata data model. RDF is used for representing information about resources in the web.

Bhiodh tu a 'moladh seo air-loidhne inneal ri do charaidean?