Cola idatha yakho ye-CSV, okanye ucofe u-ifake i-CSV
8 Ifayile ye-_0 yomguquli uza kuphumeza umlingo wokuguqula kwangoko. Sukuba nexhala malunga ne-1_6.UGqirha, i-Consta, ixhasa ikoma, i-TAB, i-Colon, i-Slash, iSlobane, ngakumbi kwi-Octotholorpe.
Ungahlela data yakho intanethi ezifana Excel through Umhleli weTheyibhile, kwaye utshintsho ziya kuguqulelwa kwi Pandas DataFrame okwixesha-lokwenene.
Just copy the generated pandas data frame code in Table Generator, and paste it into your Python script for testing.
Qaphela: Idata yakho ukholosile, le amaguquka yenziwa ngokupheleleyo kwibhrawuza yakho web kwaye asiyi ukugcina nayiphi na idata yakho.
I-CSV imele amaxabiso ahlukaniswe ngamaqhosha. Ifomati yefayile yefayile yifayile yokubhaliweyo enefomathi ethile evumela idatha ukuba igcinwe kwifomathi eyakhiweyo yetafile.
Pandas DataFrame is a data structure in Python that is part of the pandas library. It is designed for data manipulation and analysis, providing labeled axes (rows and columns).