Table Editor
Table Generator

How to Convert MySQL Query Output to JSONLines Online Online?

1. Upload or paste your MySQL Query Output

If you are querying data in the MySQL command, just paste your MySQL Query Output result into the textarea of Data Source, and it will perform the magical conversion immediately. The Example button is a good practice.

2. Edit your MySQL Query Output online if needed

Edit your data online like Excel through Table Editor, and the changes will be converted into JSONLines in real-time.

3. Copy the converted JSONLines

The JSONLines data has been generated in the box of Table Generator. This handy converter defaults to outputting data where each line is an object, in addition to this it can optionally generate lines in an array format.

Note: Your data is secure. All conversions are done in your web browser, and we do not store any of your data.

What is MySQL?


MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by Oracle that is based on structured query language (SQL). A database is a structured collection of data.

What is JSONLines?




JSON Lines is a convenient format for storing structured data that may be processed one record at a time. It works well with unix-style text processing tools and shell pipelines. It's a great format for log files. It's also a flexible format for passing messages between cooperating processes.

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