Shaxda Editor
Shaxda Generator

Sida loo Protobuf Table Online?

1. Abuur Protobuf Table isticmaalaya Jadwalka Editor

Waxaad edit karaa xogta aad online sida Excel through Tifatiraha Miiska, iyo isbedelka la badali doono Protobuf Table-waqtiga dhabta ah.

2. Nuqul ah ee Protobuf Table

Just copy the generated Protobuf message in Table Generator, and paste it into your .proto file for testing.

Fiiro gaar ah: xogta waa aamin, kuweeda ah si buuxda u sameeyey in browser web aad, waxaana aan ku urursan doonaa mid kasta oo xogta.

Waa maxay Protobuf?


Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) is a language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible mechanism for serializing structured data, used primarily in communication protocols, data storage, and more.

aad ku talin lahayd this qalab online saaxiibbadaa?