Ingosimbisa yako isa SQL chirevo kana kudhonza-uye-kudonhedza yako SQL faira mugwaro re Kunobva data, uye zvichangoita mashiripiti ekutendeuka.
Unogona aongorore mashoko ako paIndaneti sezvinoita Excel through Mupepeti wetafura, uye kuchinja ichachinjwa kuva PNG Table mu-zvechokwadi nguva.
The PNG Converter will render a beautiful table by default, let’s download it and have a see.
Note: date renyu akachengeteka, vatsva rinoitwa chose kwenyu padandemutande mubrowser uye isu hatingazvirumbidzi kuchengeta chero mashoko enyu.
SQL inomira yerudzi rwakatemwa mutauro. Iyo inoshandiswa kuchengetedza, kudzorera, kugadzirisa uye kubata uye kubata data muhukama Database Management System (RDMS).
PNG stands for Portable Network Graphics, which is a raster-graphics file format that supports lossless data compression. It's widely used for web graphics due to its high quality and transparency features.