Editor ripanga
Generator ripanga

Me pēhea te ki Avro Online?

1. Waihanga Avro te whakamahi i Editor Ripanga

Ka taea e koe te whakatika o koutou raraunga ipurangi rite Excel through Kaituhi Ripanga, a ka tahuri nga huringa ki Avro i te wā-tūturu.

2. Tāruatia te nanaohia Avro

Just copy the generated Avro schema in Table Generator, and paste it into your Avro schema file for testing.

Tuhipoka: koutou raraunga he haumaru, meatia nga faafariu e tino i roto i tō pūtirotiro tukutuku, me te kore tatou e rokiroki i tetahi o koutou raraunga.

He aha te mea Avro?


Apache Avro is a data serialization system that relies on schemas to structure data. It is used for serialization and deserialization of data in Hadoop and other data processing systems.

E tūtohu koe i tenei taputapu online ki o koutou hoa?